After our discussion on Second Life (SL) this evening (Aug 19, 2008 6:00pm MDT) regarding Web 2.0 Tools such as 1 minute podcasts to distribute a thought provoking idea or question via a blog RSS feed, I thought that SL would be a great venue to provide a virtual Doctorate residency. Now at the end of my Doctorate coursework where our cohort traveled three times year to
I acknowledge that the logistics, quality equipment and technical specifications must meet the SL minimum requirements for the end user but must exceed the SL requirements at the delivery point. Furthermore, each session would need to be recorded and archived for replay and review. I would suggest a pilot residency as early as January 2009 for the DCS/EIS cohorts to entail one session, possibly a Thursday session for those cohorts not required to be onsite. Additionally, the SL venue could provide another future forum method for presenting a Doctorate Candidates’ Dissertation Defense.
What do you think?
Ed, I love this idea. Not only do you get the benefit of talking, but you can see the avatars and listen. This is the ultimate in multiple learning styles. The slides could be on the SS viewer. Great venue for questions and answers. Doctorate defense would be pretty awesome. No cost since it is VOIP. What did you think about the virtual graduation?
While in concept this seems like a decent idea, I still prefer the fact to face acpects. I don't think a virtual meeting can ever surpase the richness of a face to face. In a virtual world all you get is content but miss the subtlies. Since the residencies are largely "receive" it might work.
I have to agree with John; this is a novel idea, but I don't think it would work too well in practice.
As we've seen in the class meetings, it winds up being a one-way lecture, lacking the rich effects of two (or more) way discussions and debates.
Hosting virtual residencies is a great alternative during the sessions when you do not have a residency. As an instructor, I prefer to connect with students in real time and via Voice in addition to chatting on discussion forums and posting blog comments. *smiles*
Face-to-face meetings are wonderful and I would miss the interactions and seeing the expressions on your faces. Yet, it is also great to view the photos from the last residency and to hear the student podcasts. *grins*
Second Life, application sharing tools, and Web 2.0 technologies help us to connect, share experiences, collaborate and archive our ideas. They do not replace life, but instead augment our ability to communicate, visualize and explore our ideas.
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